Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The disease mainly affects the skin and the peripheral nerves. Classification: The clinical system of classification for the purpose of treatment includes the use of number of skin lesions and nerves involved as the basis for grouping leprosy patients into multibacillary (MB) > than 5 skin lesions and paucibacillary (PB) leprosy (less than 5 skin lesions). Diagnosis of leprosy:Diagnosis of leprosy is most commonly based on the clinical signs and symptoms which are easy to observe.
· skin lesion with definite sensory loss,
- thickened nerves mainly peripheral-most affected being ulnar, common peroneal and posterior tibialis
- weakness of muscles supplied by the affected nerve.
Duration of Treatment: Leprosy is treat by Multi Drug therapy (MDT) . MB treatment takes 12 month and PB treatment takes 6 months. Role of Physiotherapists in Leprosy. Physiotherapy plays an important role in preventing, arresting and correcting deformities.
- To recognize early signs of nerve damage in leprosy patients and refer for further treatment.
- To relieve pain from neuritis and swelling during reaction using various modalities such elevation, static and dynamic splinting of affected joint, active and assisted exercises.
- To train people affected by leprosy on exercises during reactions to maintain muscle strength and joint mobility.
- To train people affected by leprosy on self care of eyes, hand and feet including functional exercises to prevent joint stiffness, muscle wasting and deformities.
- To treat PALs using various physical therapy modalities to prevent worsening of impairments and to reduce disabilities from patients with severe deformities.
- To assess PALs undergoing reconstructive surgery, and perform pre and post operative care.
Points for indicators in leprosy M&E
New case detection
Treatment completion rate
% of grade 2 disability
% of female
% of children
% MB patients
% of defaulters
Number of relapses
% of correctly disagnosed cases
% with new disabilites
How much are we as Physiotherapists involved in Leprosy work in our country?